
We are independent lawyers. Segui & Lupetti Avvocati is an organization established in 2001, based in Porto San Giorgio in the wonderful Marche region.

We operate mainly on behalf of enterpreneurs in every sector of law, with special focus on business law, intellectual property and real estate law.

Our firm is formed by the Roberto Lupetti, Italian attorney at law since 1994, qualified to defend before higher jurisdictions in Italy and Europe (roberto.lupetti@gmail.com); and Estela Ruth Segui Grau, both Spanish “abogada” (Madrid University) and Italian “avvocato” registered since 2004, with a post graduate master degree in business law in 2003 granted by Fundesem Institute of Alicante (Spain) (ruth.segui@gmail.com).

Professional practice


Our main areas of legal practice business and intellectual property law, real estate law.

We collaborate with various law firms and qualified agents in Italy and abroad.

We have also been providing agency services in the field of industrial and intellectual property since 2001, regarding brands, inventions and utility models, design, geographical indications, intellectual property and copyright, know-how and trade secrets.


As lawyers in the field, we provide both extra-judicial and judicial advice and assistance in litigation in the following areas:

Business and Intellectual Property law

Internet and Information Technology law

Real Estate Law


These services consist of analysis, researches, filings of IP rights applications all over the world and in general assistance in registration, patenting and other forms of protection of IP rights on trademarks, designs and models, inventions, works of author, business secrets, know-how and technology, denominations and indications of origin, in favor of customers, individuals and legal entities.


Definition: the trademark is the symbolic distinctive sign that performs the function of identifying and differentiating in the market the products or services of a business from those of competing businessess.

Available services:

  • consultancy in brand projecting or restyling
  • preventive screening and searches
  • filing of registration applications worldwide and assistance in correspondents proceedings (national trademarks, European trademarks, international trademarks)
  • worldwide trademark watch (surveillance)
  • research and advice on the effective use of the brand in the market
  • consultancy for the acquisition of well-known brand status
  • assistance in trademark disputes in Italy and abroad (trademarks litigation)

Geographical indications (GI and DO)

Definition: geographical indications are special distinctive signs that identify a country, a region or a locality, adopted to designate a product that originates from it and whose qualities, reputation or characteristics are due exclusively or essentially to the geographical environment of origin, including natural, human and traditional factors.

The protection of DOs and GIs is subject to their registration.

Available services:

  • consultancy on legal strategies to protect DOs and GIs
  • filing applications for collective trademarks containing geographical names
  • assistance of businesses associations to protect DOs and GIs both in the national and in the European stages
  • advice on how to use DOs and GIs in the market
  • worldwide DOs and GIs surveillance
  • defense of DOs and GIs in Italy and abroad

Internet domain names

Definition: domain names, associated with numerical IP addresses, identify sites and Internet pages and constitute distinctive signs of natural and legal persons on the World Wide Web. Being “signs” domain names are regulated by the same criteria applicable to trademarks and unfair competition.

  • Available services:
  • legal advice for the design and selection of the domain name
  • background searches aimed at preventing interference with third party brands and distinctive signs
  • assistance with the acquisition or transfer of domains
  • assistance in national and foreign procedures for deleting and reassigning domains, removing or obscuring websites and Internet content
  • defense in litigation regarding Internet domains


Definition: designs and models consist of the visible aesthetic characteristics of products, parts of them, components, presentations, catalogues, labels and packaging; design performs the function of making the company’s products and services attractive to customers by stimulating purchasing decisions.

Available services:

  • preventive advice on the existence of the registration requirements of the new design
  • prior art searches
  • filing of registration applications and assistance in the procedures
  • assistance in litigation procedures in Italy and abroad

Inventions and utility models (patents)

Definition: patents are industrial property titles that guarantee, in the territories where registration is obtained, the exclusive use of innovative technical characteristics applied to products, industrial processes and in the field of biotechnology.

Available services:

  • preventive advice on the patentability of inventions or utility model
  • research on the state of the art in the sector of interest
  • assistance in drafting and filing of patents applications
  • patent contracts
  • patent litigation in Italy and abroad

Know-how and trade secrets

Definition: secrets are company information and technical knowledge, recipes, confidential commercial data i and which constitute the company’s so-called know-how. Data relating to tests or other secret data, the processing of which involves a considerable commitment and to whose submission is subject to the authorization of the placing on the market of chemical, pharmaceutical or agricultural products involving the use of new substances, are also considered to be protected secrets. chemical.

Available services:

  • business know-how legal analysis
  • consultancy in compliance of protocols for the best protection of secrets
  • acquisition contracts, transfer of trade secrets and licensing agreements concerning know-how
  • confidentiality agreements
  • defense in know-how disputes and business secrets


Definition: copyright protects works of a creative nature in the fields of literature, music, visual arts, architecture, theater, cinematography, software programs, databases and under certain circumstances industrial design. The protection of rights starts from the date of creation of the work.

Our main services:

  • legal advice on fixing the date of creation of copyright
  • copyright related contracts
  • defense in copyright litigation

You may contact us at: avvocatolupetti@gmail.com

Office: viale dei Pini 181, Porto San Giorgio I-63822

tel. (0039) 0734 251563

